Last week, with a solemn ceremony on the plateau in front of the new student hotel on the campus of the "Džemal Bijedić" University in Mostar, the Student Dormitory of Antalia was officially opened. The Faculty of Agro-Mediterranean participated in the activities of greening the exterior of the Antalya Student Dormitory. The Faculty's collective contributed to the ...

Zašto je NUTRICIONISTA zanimanje budućnost? "Hrana je tvoj lijek" "Čovjek je ono što jede" "Ne kopaj sebi grob svojom viljuškom" "Svaki put kada jede i pije čovjek ili hrani bolest ili se bori protiv nje" Ovo su samo neke od poslovica za koje smo svi čuli, ali zbog ubrzanog načina života izloženog svakodnevnom stresu, malo ili gotovo nimalo ih se ne pridržavamo. Lj ...

What do you eat, what is the quality of the food you consume? Where does it come from, where is the food produced, is it local or imported? How does it affect health? Do you know what natural resources BiH has for agricultural production? These are some of the questions you can surely ask yourself, and the answers...!!! Agriculture as a scientific discipline has ...

KONKURS za upis studenata u prvu godinu prvog ciklusa studija u akademskoj 2023/2024. godini u drugom upisnom roku
Na osnovu člana 80. Zakona o visokom obrazovanju u Hercegovačko-neretvanskom kantonu ("Službene novine Hercegovačko-neretvanskog kantona broj: 4/12), člana 146. i 154. Statuta Univerziteta, te odluke Senata Univerziteta broj: 101-2574/23 i 101-2576/23 od 13.7.2023. godine uz saglasnost Ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i sporta HNK, broj: 03-34-1492/23-1 od 14.7.2023. go ...

VIRAL projekat završava realizaciju radionicom u Banjoj Luci
U periodu 19-20.07.2023. u Banjoj Luci će biti održan završna radionica u sklopu projekta VIRAL (VIRAL_Agenda Banja Luka). Domaćin sastanka je Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci. Sastak će biti prilika za analizu ostvarenih rezultata na projektu, kao i razgovor o budućim zajedničkim aktivnostima u ovom sektoru. U prvi plan radionice biće mladi saradnici koji se aktivno bave upotrebom IC ...

VIRAL projekat uspješno priveo kraju realizaciju aktivnosti
U periodu 19-21.07.2023. godine u Banjoj Luci je održana završna radionica u sklopu projekta VIRAL. Domaćin sastanka bio je Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci. Sastanak je bio prilika za analizu ostvarenih rezultata na projektu, kao i razgovor o budućim zajedničkim aktivnostima u ovom sektoru. Učesnike radionice je na početku pozdravila prorektor za međunarodnu i međuuniverzitetsku sara ...

Held Green Day
The Agro-Mediterranean Faculty of the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar is on Thursday, July 13, 2023. , organized the "GREEN DAY" event on the plateau of the Faculty. A large number of visitors, lovers of plants, had the opportunity to see the plant assortment produced by the students of the Faculty of Agriculture in cooperation with their teachers. as part of practical cl ...

Enrollment of accepted candidates in the 2023/2024 academic year
Enrollment of accepted candidates will be done in the period from July 14, 2023. - 21.07.2023. (I term) and 28.08.2023 – 01.09.2023. (II term) every working day from 10-12 in the student service of the Faculty of Agriculture. The following is required for registration: BIOTECHNOLOGY - REGULAR STUDY payment slip of 50 KM, purpose of remittance: A3101, payment for index and ...
On 13.07.2023. (Thursday), in the period from 09:00 to 12:00, the Agro-Mediterranean Faculty of the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar will organize the event "GREEN DAY" on the plateau of the Faculty. Numerous visitors will be presented with products that students of the Agro-Mediterranean Faculty, in cooperation with their teachers, produced as part of practical class ...

Obavijest o neradnim danima povodom Bajrama
Obavještavamo zaposlenike i studente da će povodom obilježavanja Bajrama neradni dani na Univerzitetu „Džemal Bijedić“ u Mostaru biti srijeda 28.06.; četvrtak 29.06.; petak 30.06.2023. godine. ...
Sjeverni logor bb, Mostar
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