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Nauka, istraživanje, privreda i studenti – SmAgTech EXPO 2022

Drugi put zaredom u organizaciji VIRAL projekta, realizuje se virtuelni sajam SmAgTech EXPO. Sajam je posvećen upotrebi informaciono komunikacionih tehnologija u poljoprivredi i biće organizovan 23-24.11.2022. godine. Ove godine posetioci će u okviru konferencijskog dela imati priliku da prisustvuju jednoj plenarnoj, većem broju tematskih sekcija, kao i panelima posvećenim privrednim subjektima i studentima. U radu konferencijskog dela učešće će uzeti 21 predavač i 13 panelista. Na sajamskom delu predstaviće se više od 60 institucija, kompanija i projekata iz oblasti poljoprivrede i informaciono komunikacionih tehnologija (Program rada). Svi zainteresovani se mogu prijaviti za učešće na sajmu registracijom na sledećoj adresi .

Science, research, business sector and students - SmAgTech EXPO 2022

For the second time in a row, the SmAgTech EXPO virtual fair is being organized by the VIRAL project. The fair is dedicated to the use of information and communication technologies in agriculture and will be organized on November 23-24, 2022. This year, as part of the conference, visitors will have the opportunity to attend a plenary session, a larger number of thematic sections, as well as panels dedicated to the business sector and students. Around 21 lecturers and 13 panelists will participate in the work of the conference. More than 60 institutions, companies, and projects from the field of agriculture and information and communication technologies (Agenda) will be presented at the fair. All those interested can apply for participation in the fair by registering at the following address .


Faculty of Agromediterranean

Sjeverni logor bb, Mostar


Tel/Fax: 036 571 388

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